Recognition and Accolades

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This page is a listing of the recognition this site has received, and if possible, links to those sites so you can read their reviews and comments in their entirety.

Recommended Site, BBC News, December 22, 1997

"A thorough, thoughtful and exemplary research site"--Given an Essential or Five Stars out of Five Rating. The Asian Studies WWW Monitor, Asian Studies WWW Virtual Library, March 26,1998

"Home on the Web" Column, Honolulu Star-Bulletin, March 27, 1998

"A detailed site that gives a variety of information on Okinawa (Ryukyu) during the long years of the formal American Occupation of Japan (September 2, 1945 - April, 1952), and as a U.N. trust territory (in truth under U.S. control) until May, 1972. Includes a section of Biographical Entries, Chronology, Photos, Annotated Bibliographies, and Related Sites.  The section of photographs is quite remarkable!" Japanese Culture Guide, The Mining Co. Web Directory, April 6, 1998

"Provided by the Department of History at Texas A&M-Commerce, this site offers an excellent starting point for research on the American military occupation of Okinawa. Users will find brief biographies of key figures, a chronology, photos, editorial cartoons and related links. The core of the site is a collection of annotated bibliographic essays on archives, books, films, and oral histories related to this topic. Where possible, these essays offer hypertext links to the sources mentioned." The Scout Report Electronic Newsletter, Volume 1, Number 15.  April 21, 1998

Bookmark site, The San Diego Union-Tribune, August 4, 1998

"For all those who have seen Saving Private Ryan, you now have an idea at what happened on D-Day.  Now, with the help of Nick Sarantakes, an associate history professor at Texas A&M and Austin native, you can now explore the happenings at the battle for Okinawa, the bloodiest encounter of the war." Austin American-Statesman, August 6, 1998

"Recent theatrical and cable releases have brought World War II back to the attention of many, but the focus has been largely the European theater. In a straightforward manner, Okinawa: The American Years seeks to shed some light on one of the bloodiest battles in the Pacific theater and the subsequent U.S. occupation of Okinawa." Times Pick Column, Los Angeles Times, August 21, 1998

"OKINAWA: THE AMERICAN YEARS, 1945-1972 is a Web site at Texas A&M University that explores the last battle of World War II.  Combat operations on Okinawa lasted three months. The site includes biographical essays of key figures, a chronology, photos and editorial cartoons, a series of annotated bibliographies and links to sites of related interest. The site hopes to provide information about the American experience on Okinawa." Springfield State Journal-Register, September 6, 1998

"THE LAST BATTLE: World War II has become a popular topic again with the success of Saving Private Ryan in the theaters, When Trumpets Fade on HBO, and Stephen Ambrose’s Citizen Soldiers in the bookstores.  These works are about events in the European theater, but for the United States the war started and ended in the Pacific. Texas A&M University—Commerce has a web site--'Okinawa: The American Years, 1945-1972,'--that explores the last battle of the war.  Said Nick Sarantakes, assistant professor of history who created and maintains the site: 'The mission of this web site is to provide people with the basic information about the American experience on Okinawa, and give them ideas on where to go to learn more.'" The Birmingham News, September 14, 1998, page 10-C.

"Solid foundation for research on the American military occupation of Okinawa. Features thumbnail sketches of Sato Eisaku, Dean Rusk, Douglas MacArthur, and other key individuals, a chronology of related events and of the occupation itself, photos of prominent incidents and people involved in the issue, and reproductions of editorial cartoons.  Provides a comprehensive collection of bibliographic essays on archive collections, books, films, and oral histories related to the topic." Noteworthy Site, Newsweek-Encyclopedia Britannica Internet Guide

News Links, Dayton Daily News, May 7, 2000, page 2-A

"As the story has been told to me, long before Okinawa was returned to Japan, it was called the Kingdom of Ryukyu. Ryukyu’s location places it strategically in the middle of a trade zone between Japan, Taiwan, China and Southeast Asia, making it a mix of Asian culture. There is a sense of this in modern Okinawa, although much of the traditional culture has changed as a result of the Battle of Okinawa in 1945. The battle decimated the island. The bombing of Okinawa left its cultural legacy of temples and shrines in a wake of battlefield rubble. Nick Sarantakes, an assistant professor at Texas A&M, provides a chronology of what took place in Okinawa from 1945 to its eventual return to Japan in 1972." The Honolulu Advertiser, July 7, 2000

"Japan is hosting an economic summit of the Group of Eight nations July 21-23 on Okinawa, the island where the final battle of World War II took place.  Nick Sarantakes, a history prof at Texas A&M University—Commerce, has created an interesting and informative Web site that covers the bloody battle and whey the U.S. continued to occupy the island until 1972."  The Columbus Dispatch, July 10, 2000, page 1-F

Recommended Site, CNN Newsroom, July 21, 2000

Quoted in a news story about Okinawa:
"'The United States could not stay on Okinawa without the acquiesence of the Okinawan people,' said Nicholas Sarantakes, a history professor at Texas A&M University and the author of a book on the American occupation of Okinawa.  'Local communities in the U.S. have had a love-hate relationship with U.S. Army bases as have those in the United Kingdom with the British Army.'"  The Toronto Star, August 1, 2000, page T1

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