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49th Parallel
Air Force Magazine
American Diplomacy
American Historical Review
American Political Science Review
The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
Canadian Journal of History
Chronicle of Higher Education
Cold War History (1 of 2)
Cold War History (2 of 2)
The Defense Monitor
Diplomacy & Statecraft
Diplomatic History (1 of 2)
Diplomatic History (2 of 2)
Foreign Affairs
Foreign Policy
Foreign Service Journal
Harvard International Review
History Cooperative

    includes full texts of recent issues of:
    • American Historical Review
    • Journal of American History
Intelligence and National Security
International History Review
International Security
    includes full texts of many journals, including:
    • American Historical Review
    • Journal of American History
    • Journal of Military History
Journal of American History
Journal of the Australian War Memorial
Journal of Cold War Studies (1 of 3)
Journal of Cold War Studies (2 of 3)
Journal of Cold War Studies (3 of 3)
Journal of Conflict Studies
Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History
The Journal of Military History
Journal of Military and Strategic Studies
The Journal of Slavic Military Studies
The Journal of Strategic Studies
Journal of Transatlantic Studies
Joint Force Quarterly
MERIA: Middle East Review of International Affairs
Military Review
Naval War College Review
New Zealand International Review
The Nonproliferation Review
OJPCR: The Online Journal of Peace and Conflict Resolution
Olympika: The International Journal of Olympic Studies(1 of 2)
Olympika: The International Journal of Olympic Studies(2 of 2)
Pacific Historical Review
Peace & Change
Political Science Quarterly
Presidential Studies Quarterly
Reviews in American History
State Magazine
Studies in Intelligence
War in History
War and Society
World Policy Journal
World Politics

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