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This page is a list of media outlets that have recognized the U.S. Diplomatic History Resources Index.

"Diplomatic historian Nicholas Evan Sarantakes has done a great service for web surfers with an interest in foreign policy by putting together the U.S. Diplomatic History Resources Index. As the name suggests, this site will guide you to online information on U.S. diplomacy past and present"--Fox News Sunday, December 22, 1996

 Hot Site, Congressional Quarterly, February, 1997

"U.S. foreign policy historians will gladly use this site to link up to an almost unending and unbelievably long list of historical archives and papers.  U.S. Diplomatic History Resources Index provides more references than can be listed here but examples range from the papers of J. William Fulbright and presidential libraries to documents on the Cuban Missile crisis, Vietnam, and Hiroshima to books.  While the listing can be inundating at times, the sources are easily linked and the payoff is extraordinary."  Web Guide Monthly Magazine, Premiere Issue (July/August), 1997

"You don't have to be a historian to appreciate the U.S. Diplomatic History Resources Index. To say this compendium is huge is an understatement."--USA Today, Weekend  Web Edition, January 16-18, 1998 and print edition, January 21, 1998, page 6D

Ranked 9th out of 39 in the Lycos Community Guide--Government: United States: U.S. Foreign Policy (circa 1996-1999)

"OK, enough of Monica Lewinsky and President Bill. Let's get past the tabloid stuff and on to the things that really foreign policy. This site is a major clearinghouse for information on foreign policy and its history. If you are a student or just fascinated with the real important stuff, check this site out."--Austin American-Statesman, February 5, 1998

"C-SPAN junkies and anyone interested in U.S. foreign policy will find a treasure chest of Web links at the U.S. Diplomatic History Resources Index."--The Florida Times-Union, February 11, 1998

"This website at Texas A&M is a comprehensive alphabetized guide to resources on U.S. foreign policy, past and present."--Link of the Week, Computer Currents Magazine, February 23, 1998

"Speaking of history, the U.S. Diplomatic History Resources Index ... is a massive list of links for foreign policy history. The site is text and information-oriented, with few graphics to get in the way of information, and there are enough links here to keep a buff hopping for a long time."--Rocky Mountain News, February 23, 1998

Cool Web Site of the Week--Albany Times Union, February 25, 1998

"A massive listing of information and Internet links."--Louisville Courier-Journal, March 9, 1998

Bookmark site, The San Diego Union-Tribune, June 9, 1998

"Nick Sarantakes, an assistant professor of history at Texas A&M University--Commerce, has created a Web site geared toward scholars in history, political science, economics, area studies, international relations and journalism.  The 'U.S. Diplomatic History Resources Index' lists links to hundreds of Web sites ranging from Military Intelligence to the Roosevelt Cartoon Archive to the Government of New Zealand.  Already widely recognized in the national media, the site should easily become an indispensable tool for academics and history buffs alike."--Web Site of the Month, A&M System, Texas Newsletter, September 1998, p. 3

"Students and debaters of U.S. foreign policy will revel in the Web site of a historian from Texas A&M University. The U.S. Diplomatic History Resources Index of Nicholas E. Sarantakes, a professor at the branch campus in Commerce, northeast of Dallas, outlines hundreds of links both alphabetically and by subject. The principal page holds bookmarks, generally listed alphabetically starting with archives links and working its way down to the World Trade Organization. Under the History subheading, some of the headings hint at the scope of modern history: A Disraeli and the Suez Canal link sits next to a discussion of the 1945 Atomic Bomb decision; one Web site projects stereoscopic pictures of the Philippine-American War, while the previous link reviews the PBS television history of the war in Vietnam.

"The index also includes sub-pages devoted to books, centers of study and funding sources for research. The alphabetical listing and the categorical organization help make up for the lack of a search engine that could hack through the nearly 500 Web pages. Sarantakes states that the site is developing and he plans to add more sites."--The Washington Post, October 8, 1998, p. D-4

Reprint of the Washington Post article--The Augusta Chronicle, October 11, 1998

Reprint of the Washington Post article in the "What's Hot" column--The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, October 15, 1998, p. 8-D

Reprint of the Washington Post article--Gary Post-Tribune, October 18, 1998

"...a gateway to reams of information of interest to researchers and history buffs."--San Jose Mercury News, January 22, 1999

Noteworthy Site, Newsweek-Encyclopedia Britannica Internet Guide

Can't get enough of the ongoing crisis in Kosovo? We suggest the U.S. Diplomatic History Resources Index, which offers an exhaustive list of links to U.S. foreign policy, past and present. Site of the Week, San Francisco Chronicle, May 3, 1999

Recomended Site, 21st C magazine, Spring 1999

The 1999 Bernath Lecture: Robert Buzzanco, "What Happened To The New Left?: Toward A Radical Reading Of American Foreign Relations," Diplomatic History, (Fall 1999), 577

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