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These sites range in purpose and intent.  Some are efforts to publish studies on the web, or are closely related to television documentaries.  Others are on-line efforts at museum displays document collections or artifacts.

The American Experience: The Presidents

Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries
The American Experience: Hawaii's Last Queen
A War in Perspective, 1898-1998

World War I
The Great War

World War II
The Decision to Use the Atomic Bomb
Hiroshima: Was it Necessary?
Pearl Harbor Working Group
World War II Memorial

Cold War Diplomacy
Berlin Airlift 50th Anniversary
Bikini Atoll and the Bomb
CNN Cold War Documentary

United States and Europe Since 1945
Americans in Austria

United States and East Asia Since 1945

Korean War
The American Merchant Marine During the Korean War--U.S. Merchant Marine
Commemorating the Korean War--U.S. Department of Defense
Korean War--U.S. Air Force Historical Research Agency
Korean War 50th Anniversary--U.S. Army
Korean War 1950-1953 Commemoration--U.S. National Security Agency
Korean War: The Forgotten War--military.com
Korean War Project
United States Marine Corps Korean War Commemorative Web Site--U. S. Marine Corps
Okinawa: The American Years, 1945-1972

Vietnam: A Television History

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