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Army--professional magazine; of limited use

The Arizona Republic--of limited use

Asahi Evening News--Tokyo English language daily; useful; no index

Asahi Shimbun--Japanese language paper; loaded with information; index available on CD/ROM Asahi Shimbun Sengo Midashi Sakuin, 1945-1995 [Asahi Newspaper Headline Index, 1945-1995]

The Atlanta Constitution--had interesting editorials; clear editorial stance favoring reversion

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution--Sunday and special occasions merger of the two Atlanta papers

Atlantic Monthly--American political opinion magazine; showed interest in Okinawa only about reversion

Baltimore Sun--informative, but difficult to use; no index

The Birmingham News--of limited use

Boston Globe--of limited use

Chicago Tribune--interesting editorials, but of limited use

The Christian Century--clear editorial slant towards reversion since 1950s; indexed; useful

The Christian Science Monitor--indexed since 1945; numerous, informative articles

Chuo Koron--Japanese language political opinion magazine; no index; loaded with information

Cleveland Plain Dealer--of limited use

Collier's--of limited use

Columbia State--of limited use

The Commonweal--of limited use

Congressional Quarterly--of limited use

Daily Okinawan--early military newspaper on the island; useful

The Economist--British news magazine; of limited use

Harper's Magazine--published explosive article on morale and living conditions on the island in 1958

The Hartford Courant--of limited use

Honolulu Advertiser--no index and difficult to use, but highly informative

Honolulu Star-Bulletin--no index and difficult to use, but highly informative

The Japan Times--Tokyo English language daily; useful; no index

Kosei Okinawa--Hawaii based paper for Americans of Okinawan descent; of limited use

Life--once defunct magazine; not particularly useful even during peak years of publication

The Living Church--Episcopalian magazine; of limited use

Los Angeles Times--no index; paper does research on request in clipping file at $15 an hour

Mainichi Shimbun--Japanese language paper; no index; loaded with information

Manchester Union Leader--of limited use

The Military Engineer--professional magazine; good for technical information on base construction

The Nation--American political opinion magazine; showed interest in Okinawa only about reversion

National Geographic-American travel magazine with a few articles of occasional use

The New Republic--American political opinion magazine; showed interest in Okinawa only about reversion

New York Daily Mirror--articles in Herald Tribune & Journal American clipping files

New York Daily News--articles in Herald ribune & Journal American clipping files

New York Herald Tribune--defunct paper; clipping file of the paper is open and located at the University of Texas

New York Journal American--defunct paper; clipping file of the paper is open and located at the University of Texas

New York Post--articles in Herald Tribune & Journal-American clipping files

The New York Sun--defunct paper; articles in Herald Tribune & Journal American clipping files

The New York Times--indexed; only U.S. paper with stringer on Okinawa; highly useful; clear editorial stance favoring reversion; clipping file of the paper is open and located at the University of Texas

The New York Times Magazine--a number of articles with wide range in quality about the island

The New York World Telegram and Sun--defunct paper; articles in Herald Tribune & Journal American clipping files

The New Yorker--American magazine with occasional articles of some use

Newsweek--weekly news magazine; many articles, but vague and general

Nihon Keizai--Japanese language political opinion magazine; no index; loaded with informationOhio State Journal--of limited use

Okinawa Morning Star--English language daily on island; clear editorial stance on wisdom of American rule and opposition to reversion

Okinawa Taimusu--Okinawan Japanese language paper; no index; loaded with information

Palo Alto Times--of limited use

Parks & Recreation--good for showing social life of Americans, but generally of limited use

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette--of limited use

The Progressive--American political opinion magazine; showed interest in Okinawa only about reversion

The Reader's Digest--of limited use

The Reporter--defunct American news magazine; articles on Okinawa only in late 1960s

Ryukyu Shimpo--Okinawan Japanese language paper; no index; loaded with information

Saturday Evening Post--defunct American news magazine; some useful articles on Okinawa

Saturday Review--of limited use

San Francisco Chronicle--interesting editorials, but generally of limited use

San Francisco Examiner & Chronicle--Combined publication of two papers on Sunday; of limited use

The Shreveport Journal--of limited use

Stars and Stripes--informative, but difficult to use; no index

St. Louis Post Dispatch--informative, but difficult to use; no index

Time--weekly news magazine; many articles, but vague and general

Tokyo Shimbun--Japanese language paper; no index; loaded with information

Travel--American travel magazine; an interesting article on Okinawa in 1969

Triad--newspaper of 3rd Marine Division; stored at U.S. Marine Corps Historical Center, Washington, D.C.

U.S. News and World Report--weekly news magazine; many articles, but vague and general

The Wall Street Journal--indexed since the early 1950s; few articles, but highly informative

The Washington Daily News--defunct paper; of limited use

Washington Evening Star--defunct paper; clear editorial stance favoring reversion; index and clipping file available for research at Martin Luther King, Jr. Library, Washington, D.C.

Washington Times-Herald--defunct paper; of limited use

The Washington Post--informative, but difficult to use; no index

Weekly Okinawa Times--weekly English version of the Okinawa Taimusu


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